Using Mini Utopia FAQ

Using Mini Utopia FAQ

Using Mini Utopia( can be tricky, we get that. we'll be updating our FAQ as questions from the community come in.

How do I get started with Mini Utopia?

To get started, visit our platform at, create an account, and explore the available tools and features. You can start by minting your first NFT, bidding on existing ones, or engaging in community activities.

What support is available if I encounter issues?

Mini Utopia offers comprehensive support through our community forums. You can reach out for assistance with technical issues, account problems, or any questions related to the platform.

How can I create and interact with NFTs on Mini Utopia?

Users can create, display, and interact with unique digital assets by utilizing the tools provided by Mini Utopia. You can mint new NFTs, bid/buy existing ones, and engage in various activities within the platform to personalize and enhance your virtual experience.

Which wallets are supported?

Currently, MetaMask is supported, users can easily connect through web3 and use the Planq Mainnet.

Last updated